Please join us for an NBA 2K Tournament one night only, Friday May 22nd, to support the Pediatric Cancer Foundation!
The winner of each bracket will receive $100 Xbox or PlayStation gift card and epic bragging rights!
Entry into the tournament is open to players of ALL AGES. The entry fee is $20 per player. One entry per person.
The brackets will be:
- Age 15 and under – PS4
- Age 15 and under – Xbox
- Age 16+ – PS4
- Age 16+ – Xbox
Must have:
- NBA2K20 for Xbox One or PS4
- Internet connection and the ability to play against other players online
- Availability to play continuous games on Friday night May 22nd from 5 PM until you are eliminated from the tournament.
The Big Stuff
The tournament will start at 5PM on Friday and go until there is a winner in each bracket.
The format will be single elimination, meaning if you lose a match, you are out of the tournament.
The number of games will be determined by the number of players in each bracket, but there will be no more than 128 players in a bracket for a maximum of 7 games.
Any brackets with fewer than 16 sign-ups will be combined with another age group.
Once we have all of the registrations in, we will set up the tournament brackets on Please sign up for a account and register for our Discord.
The Toornament website for this tournament is:
Registration deadline: 11:59pm on Thursday, May 21th.
The Nitty Gritty
Difficulty: All-Star
Quarter Length: 6-minutes
Teams: Select your own team. Only current teams allowed – no classic teams.
Additional rules:
- NO SCREEN SHAKING DURING FREE-THROWS. The home team should disable this option so as not to accidentally shake the screen. Anyone found to be shaking the screen will automatically forfeit.
- You may only pause once during each of your games for up to 30 seconds. If you pause more than once or longer than 30 seconds, you will automatically forfeit the match.
- If someone is disconnected from the game, the game will need to be restarted. If the same player is disconnected 3 times, they will forfeit the match.
- Please keep all language PG.
- No insulting other players. Anyone engaging in name-calling or other inappropriate conduct will be immediately removed from the tournament.
Players will need to self-report their scores on or via Discord. We’re using the honor system, so please report accurately. The winner should also take a screenshot of the results in case of a dispute.
Any issues or concerns can be brought to
Games will be played back-to-back. Players will get a 20 minute grace period to start their next match after their match is assigned and they are notified in Discord. Any player not responding or unable to complete a match in the designated window of time will forfeit and their opponent will automatically advance to the next round.